
  • I’ve lost a filling; now what?
    Dental fillings usually protect our teeth, but sometimes they need to be protected, too. If you lose a filling, contact our West Palm Beach, Florida office immediately and let us Read more
  • What was your favorite part of summer?
    It's the end of summer, and fall is just around the corner. Soon the temperatures will cool down, the leaves will start to change, and the doctor and our team Read more
  • Happy Labor Day!
    Labor Day is upon us, and that means the non-official end to summer. Before the kids head back to school and temperatures start to cool down, this is your last Read more
  • Celebrate Labor Day by Getting Away
    Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to this country, and for many Americans, the holiday is a great time to relax at home with family and friends. Read more
  • Is There an Act Three for Our Teeth?
    Act One: Those 20 adorable baby teeth which begin arriving when you’re about six months old and are probably gone by the time you’re twelve. Act Two: The 32 (if you Read more
  • Proper Flossing Techniques
    Of all the dental hygiene techniques you can use at home to promote clean teeth and good oral health, flossing is likely to be the one that troubles most people. Read more
  • Amalgam Fillings vs. White Fillings
    Many varieties of fillings are available at our West Palm Beach, Florida office. Most people are familiar with traditional amalgam fillings: those big silver spots on top of teeth. Made from Read more
  • Whitening Before Veneers—A Bright Idea?
    It’s time. You’ve decided. You’re going to get veneers. Whether it’s to repair a cracked or chipped tooth, to cover discoloration brought on by a root canal or medical condition, Read more
  • Electric Toothbrushes vs. Regular Toothbrushes
    Convertible or sedan? Downtown or suburbs? Electric or manual toothbrush? As life decisions go, it’s certainly not choosing your next car, or deciding where you want to live. But, even Read more
  • The Benefits of a Bright Smile
    Having a nice, bright smile can affect the way you look, and in turn, improve how you feel about yourself. With the help of the doctor to provide you with Read more
  • My teeth don't line up any more. Why?
    If your teeth don't line up like they used to any more, you may be suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder, often called TMD. This is a term that can actually Read more
  • Dentin Tooth Sensitivity Treatments
    Dentine hypersensitivity can be described as a sharp and sudden pain caused by cold food and beverages. It’s present in more than half the population and result from receding gums Read more
  • Five Reasons for Your Bad Breath
    Bad breath, or halitosis, is probably not a matter of life or death. But it can make you feel self-conscious and have a negative impact on your life. The majority Read more
  • The Purpose of a Dental Crown
    A dental crown, otherwise known as a cap, covers an infected tooth and can vary in function, depending on the position of the tooth. Crowns cover all the visible parts Read more
  • Diastema, or, Mind the Gap!
    Diastema is a medical term meaning “space between”—or what the doctor and our team less formally call a gap between the teeth. Such gaps are common for children as they Read more
  • I haven’t been to the dentist in years; what should I expect?
    Time flies when we are not at the dentist! Before you know it, years may have gone by. Let’s take a moment to explain what takes place when a patient Read more

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